remember time

Remember That Time

The time of this writing is Memorial Day in the U.S.A.

The day is a somber reminder of the brave sacrifice men and women have made to keep the U.S.A a free and just society. 

I find a wonderful similarity as we visit graves and place flowers or flags at gravestones. 

We thank them and let them know we remember them, much like in Joshua 4:19-24.

The memorial of 12 stones was to remind the people of God’s miracles on their behalf.

In the future, the parents could tell how God dried up the Jordan river, just as He had dried up the Red Sea so they could cross. 

We should pass along stories of the protectors of our land and people who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Also, tell them of Jesus who made the ultimate sacrifice, not for land or people (Romans 5:8). But rather the eternal soul of man (1 Timothy 2:6).

So, let’s pause and reflect on these things (Philippians 1:3).

We hope this devotional time, has served as a wonderful reminder of sacrifice from our soldiers and of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God bless!

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